A few weeks ago I had a good feeling as I cleared out my storage unit, but at the same time I was rather sad. Last year my house sold, and I donated many items to Goodwill and other yard sales and packed the others and put them in storage. Over the past year, I didn't miss too many items that were already gone or sitting in the unit, but sorting through them now brought back a lot of memories. These were the items I hadn't been ready to part with a year earlier and now it was time to make some choices.
The week before the yard sale, I prayed that I wouldn't have a "melt down" and chase someone down the drive way just to retrieve an item that had no real value but brought back memories to me. Luckily everyone made it out unscathed.
The past month, I have also been scanning and uploading old pictures to web based storage, so I will be able to view them no matter where I am.
Going through the pictures has been so much fun and I even included my niece and nephew a few weeks ago as we looked at old pictures of them and then me and my brother (their daddy) as kids. They laughed even harder than I did.
While the memories are always going to be with me whether I have the items or the pictures, it really is fun to look at these and share them. Enjoy :-)
My cousin Denise babysitting me. |
Grandma Tucker, me, dad, Grandma Littlejohn and mom....Look at that hair and mom always claims I get my big wild hair from the Tucker side of the family. | | | | | |
I was so happy to have a brother. He cried a lot, but as he grew up he was a lot of fun. |
We still have this rocking chair. It was my dads and we have an old picture of dad in it. We also have pictures of my niece and nephew in it and it still sits in the hallway and now holds the teddy bears. This picture made the kids laugh alot and comment that their daddy was "chubby". I just love his curls. Mom waited a long time to cut them off. |
Many of my favorite memories are from church and the plays and musicals we did as a youth choir. Thanks to Norma White and Sandy Martin for their dedication to us kids. |
I hope these clothes never come in style again. Wait maybe they already have! |
Yes the clothes did get worse! The stocking on the right is mine and I still use it, even though it is very stretched out. It was made by my Aunt Jackie and it just wouldn't be Christmas without it. I decided it needs to stay here with all the family stockings even though I will be in Kenya. That will make me feel like I am still a part of Christmas here. |
The "blankie" covering the table is mine and I still have it. Although it is now a little smaller and rather thread bare in the center. It served me well for many years and then became the cat "blankie" for every cat we had as a family and for Hershey and Sherlock. I found it when going through a bag of sheets and blankets. I did not sell it or throw it away. Not yet sure if it will travel to Kenya with me. At least it won't take up much space or weight if I do take it! |
Speaking of cats. Our first was "Punkin" and yes he is wearing a baby doll dress. He was such a good little kitty. |
And last but not least....the picture of my dad with that horrible
mustache and side burns. Not that my hair is any better in this picture.