This was my prayer Tuesday night as we had our second flat
tire of the day and the vehicle sat on the
Sunrise in Kenya! |
side of the road in the dark. But
the story of my “Maasai Adventure Day” really began many hours before that.
We started out bright and early (well dark and early) at
5:40 am to get through Nairobi before rush hour and to avoid the predicted
Matatu strike. Due to new rules about governors on their vehicles, there was
suspicion that the drivers would park and block the roads. Luckily that didn’t
happen and we had no problems as we headed south toward Tanzania.
We reached our first stop, a little over 2 hours later, about
40 km north of the border. I was hoping to see Mt. Kilimanjaro, but it was a
foggy morning and we just weren’t close enough. The plan for the day was to
meet the Kenyan pastor and a survey team, then head out to another area where
the survey would be done to gather data and determine whether it was a good
place to drill a well. We started by meeting the pastor in town and had tea
with him and another gentleman. Toward the end of our visit, the other gentleman
mentioned that our tire was going flat. Very good to know this before going out
into the bush. So we headed across the street to the tire repair shop.
We pulled up and a number of men began to assess the
situation. Likely the tire would be flat soon so a repair was in order. I had a
long lesson on the process of repairing a tire with a tube and split rim. I
didn’t even know what that was before then. The longest part of the process was
actually removing the lug nuts. They were on so tight and it took multiple men
working with different lug nut remover thingy’s (yes I will eventually learn
what they are called), a long pipe used for extra torque and lots of sweat! Finally
the tire was off, rims eventually separated, hole found and repaired and the whole
thing put back together again. Praise
One stop shopping! |
During this time I was able to observe the people setting up
for their town’s market day. I made friends with a little boy who played
hide and seek with me around the corner of the buildings and through the
windows of the butcher shop. I also learned that the Kenyans’ are really good
business people. The tire repair place was also a Kinyozi (barber shop) and
phone charging and repair store. Talk about one stop shopping, too bad my phone
was charged and working and I haven’t decided to shave my head….. yet! What a
blessing to have the flat in a town, in the daylight and to have some great
experiences while I waited.
After that, we met up
with the survey team and headed out to the bush. The pastor said it was only an
hour trip out, but to me it felt like over 2 hours, with a few stops for goat
and cattle crossings. I wasn’t quick enough to get any good pictures of the
cattle. That was the best, when they came at us and just parted and went around
us as we stopped there.
We made it out to the area to survey and the team started.
From my very over simplified view, they were using seismic readings and electric conductivity to assess where there might be water. As the day went on some Maasai
men and women ventured out to see what was going on. I was lucky enough to get
to spend a few hours smiling at and beginning to communicate with these ladies
and their babies. I practiced some of my Swahili and learned a little Maa (the
Maasai language) also. They were very sweet and very curious about everything I
did. I have continued to pray for these women and would ask you to also. The
flies are bad out there and the baby’s face was constantly covered due to her
runny nose. I do not know if I will get back to this area to see them again,
but I will keep praying for them and for water to be there and for a successful well to be dug.
Please pray for these women and children! |
It was about 11:30 when we
arrived and over the next 6+ hours the survey team gathered their data in multiple places. Daylight was getting short and the best option would have
been to get right on the road back to the town where we planned to stay for the
night. However, the pastor said we must come to his house for a late lunch/dinner.
We obliged and graciously but quickly ate our rice, meat stew and chapate, then
got back on the road with only about ½ hour or daylight left. It was slow going,
but things were going well until we reached a spot in the road where 3 trucks
were stopped. There were many people riding in and on the trucks and I guess
one was broken down and blocking the road. The Kenyan who was riding with us
back to the town said we should try to go around on the side. That was all fine
until we were stuck there in the ditch, not able to go forward or backward. As
many of you know I pray a lot when traveling in vehicles in other countries and
there were many prayers that day already, but now I started praying for release
from that dirt and from behind those trucks. After some work the 4 wheel drive
was engaged and 4 men (one with a machine gun) helped push us backward onto the
road again. In a few more minutes the trucks all managed to move over enough
for us to successfully pass on the other side. Praise God we were on our way
again without incident and I was thanking God for those peaceful and helpful people
on that dark road.
By the time we arrived in town to drop off the Kenyan
traveling with us, we had decided that driving back to Nairobi was a better
choice than staying at the guest dorms. I know sometimes decisions seem not so
smart in hindsight, but at that moment it all made sense. I was ready to be
home and I figured God had got us through the worst parts of the day safely! It
had to be easy from there. Right?
So to the north we headed, making good time, since there was
very little traffic. Then I heard it. That
sound that you try to ignore, but you just know it is not good, the second flat
tire in less than 12 hours. At this moment I thanked God that we were on a good
paved road, with a large shoulder to pull off on and not much traffic. However,
I was beginning to worry. I had not forgotten how much time and effort it took
many men to remove those other very tight lug nuts, in daylight, with many
tools. At that moment I began to pray out loud and ask God for loose lug nuts.
Hey, He says ask and it will be granted.
By the grace of God, in only 15 minutes Gene had all the lug nuts off
and the spare on and we were on the road again.
I am very thankful that God answered my prayers that day. I
had not only prayerd for the loose lug nuts, but also for Gene’s safety since
this tire was on the right side (ie road side) of the vehicle, for very little
traffic coming that way and for no one to stop and try to “help”. (Friends had
a bad experience with that before, not everyone really stops to "help".)
God provided us safe and quick passage the remainder of the
way home. I kept praying for this the entire way and was very happy when I
recognized the roads again. An hour earlier, I felt like a cat, running out of
lives and we were definitely running out of tires. The whole day was a gift
from God and I thank Him for the wonderful people I met: the ones who repaired
the first flat tire, the little boy who played with me, the women and children
I met, the survey team, the gracious pastor who fed us and the men who pushed
us out of the ditch. I am thankful for a good place to change a tire for the
beautiful stars we saw that night and for being challenged rely on God over and
over again. That has been a common theme since I have been here in Kenya.
Goats crossing the road! |
Thanks you for all your prayers for me, my teammates and the
ministry and people here in Kenya. I could feel your prayers that entire day.
Thank you. Thank you. I ask you to continue to pray for us here in Kenya and
for missionaries all over the world. They all need your prayers.
Please continue to pray, as this vehicle is now getting new
tires and being serviced, It is the vehicle we will take up to Turkana next
week. It is a two-day trip and I ask for your prayers for safety, no vehicle
problems and a good, peaceful overnight rest before we begin our second day of
traveling. I am so thankful for my “Maasai
Adventure Day” and for God’s answered prayers for loose lug nuts!
James 1: 2-4
Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials
of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops
perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and
complete, not lacking anything.