Praise the LORD!
Praise God in his Temple!
Praise God in his Temple!
Praise his strength in heaven!
Praise him for the mighty things he has done.
Praise his supreme greatness.
Praise him with trumpets.
Praise him with harps and lyres.
Praise him with drums and dancing.
Praise him with harps and flutes.
Praise him with cymbals.
Praise him with loud cymbals.
Praise the LORD, all living creatures!
Praise the LORD!
Psalm 150 (GNB)
In a month full of meetings, where much of my time is being spent down country, today I am thankful for a great service in Lodwar with lots of singing, including new songs performed by multiple choirs. Usually it is only the Children's Choir that sings for us and today I actually think I missed the regular Children's Choir as I was later than the normal late (we rarely go "on time", since services do not really start "on time" and can last 2 1/2 - 3 1/2 hours).
The Children's choir I did hear consisted of the
smaller kids, some of whom I do not see participating regularly and it was nice to see that. Since the older kids are out of school now, we also had a Teen Choir. In addition the Women's Choir (which is really adult women and men) sang, after a typical slow progression, with them saying they did not want to sing, rolling their eyes at each other, and eventually sauntering up to the front to form a group and start. It was fun to see the older mama come join them (looking rather spry today) and this lady on the drum is one of my favorites.
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone in America. Take time to be Thankful and Praise the LORD!

PS. I was later than my normal late today, due to rechecking a dog patient who was really sick yesterday. I am also very thankful that she is much improved today.