Friday, March 27, 2020

When My Prayers Become Sighs Too Deep For Words!

March 6th, that was when this picture was taken. Right now I cannot even tell you how many days ago that was, but it seems like it was a lifetime ago, as so much has happened all across the world since that day.

We had gone to a new area, shared about the CHE program, taught about the Corona Virus, did a lesson on hand washing, as well as the Lost Sheep Bible lesson. We shared that we have HOPE in the midst of the chaos because we know Jesus and he wants us all to be in his flock and not be lost.

Before we left that day, we made plans to visit them again on the 20th (since I would be in Nairobi on the 13th). We all looked forward to it, but sadly, I returned on the 15th, needing to do the smart thing and self quarantine for 14 days. I did this to protect the people of Turkana in case I had inadvertently had any exposure during my week in Nairobi. I was all over Nairobi that week, doing government business in crowded buildings, shopping in malls, attending an international meeting, staying at a guest house where many people from all over the world were passing through from so many different countries.

Now, as I finish my self quarantine, the country has issued a 15 day shelter at home order. I agree 100% with this. I wish everyone else in the world understood this and was complying to their countries orders. So just as I had hoped to have a few people come back to my house to visit and do small trainings and sew masks (with social distancing) I do not think that will be possible in the short term. In fact right now I really do not know what ministry will look like up here when the 15 days are through or beyond that. Everything has changed so much and is changing still so much each day as the virus is spreading here.

I have been praying daily, looking to scriptures, waiting for God's voice to give me guidance on how to proceed. So far I have many ideas floating around in my head, but right now I mostly hear God saying draw closer to me, be prepared, but WAIT!

I have been staying connected to my CHE facilitators, helpers, CCC pastors, and so many others up here, by sending Bible verses or small prayer ideas by text. Most here have dumb phones, so I don't get fancy, but it does not need to be fancy. I am happy many have data and can respond to me with at least short texts. I am thankful that they have phones and texting capabilities--even though often I want to put their phones in "time out" because they answer them during trainings!

So I will continue to PRAY and WAIT to see how God is leading. I know that he has been helping me to get holistically healthy, especially over the past year, for a reason. I am ready to see how he will use me through all of this. I am thankful for these 2 weeks to stop and rest and draw near to him. I am thankful that I have had time to connect/reconnect with so many others, to check on them and encourage them to check on others. I will be thankful for the next period of shelter in place and will learn how to do that within the restrictions they have set.

As an introvert, I am really praying for you extroverts, I thought this would be easy. It is not.

I will continue to pray, I will make my life a prayer. I will praise God and thank Him every day.

"Make your life a prayer and in the midst of everything be always giving thanks, for this is God's perfect plan for you in Christ Jesus." 1 Thes 5:17-18 (TPT) 

However, some days my prayers become "sighs too deep for words".

I am praying for moms and dads now home schooling, while working outside of the home still in essential jobs, or while working from home, in addition to the homeschooling.

I pray for those who are exposed and need to quarantine.

I pray for those who are sick and need to isolate.

I pray for those who have other health issues and cannot even get to doctors appointments in person or for telemedicine, because the system is so overwhelmed right now in so many countries.

I pray for everyone, as we all go through a broad range of emotions every day.

I pray for families that are together and under stress.

I pray for families who are separated and under even greater stress.

I pray for doctors, scientists, epidemiologists, and public health personnel who are working hard to develop a vaccine, test treatment options, and study this virus quickly, under intense pressure, to give us accurate information in a timely manner.

I pray for leaders of countries, states, counties, cities as they do what is best to protect their people.

I pray for so many other things and people and difficult situations caused by this virus or taking place in spite of this virus. 

I pray for everyone in the world, everyone, every single person, created in the image of God, that HE loves!

I pray for......

There is always a point in my prayers when it seems like too much. I can't go on. I don't have the words. I have to stop and give it all over to God. I actually wave my arms in the air and release it all to Him. It is mine to share, but not mine to keep at that point. That is when my prayers become nothing but sighs.



Father God I am thankful you are with me at that point, when I cannot even find the words to pray and all I can do is sigh.

Father God I love you and I am so thankful that you love me and everyone on the earth. I am thankful that we have your promises that you will never leaves us, especially during this time of change and challenge.

Father God I ask you to show your love to everyone, every single person on this earth today. Help them see your love through others, help them to draw near to you, help us all to draw near to you today and everyday. AMEN

"And in a similar way, the Holy Spirit takes hold of us in our human frailty to empower us in our weakness. For example, at times we don't even know how to pray, or know the best things to ask for. But the Holy Spirit rises up within us to super-intercede on our behalf, pleading to God with emotional sighs too deep for words. 

God, the searcher of the heart, knows fully our longings, yet he also understands the desires of the Spirit, because the Holy Spirit passionately pleads before God for us, his holy ones, in perfect harmony with God's plan and our destiny. 

Romans 8:26-27


  1. Our prayers are with you and all in Turkana!

  2. Prayers for you Shannon and all those that you encounter.
    Thanks for the update.
    With Love and Prayer,
    Dave and Brinda, LHCC

  3. I love how you're drawing close to God and listening to His voice! I've been learning a lot about that this year too. Keep waiting, girl! :)

  4. I often feel the same way. Glad you are safe and doing well so far. Love & miss you!

  5. Love you sweet Shannon. Your prayers are beautiful. Take care of yourself.
